Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nobody's Fool

I was reading an article for my Managing Products and Brands class called "The Uninvited Brand" and it happened to mention the "United Breaks Guitars" music videos. For anyone who doesn't know, this is actually a great story about a musician I know named David Carroll who used social media to air his concerns about United Airlines. It is a great lesson in the management of a brand, and in searching for the video today, I learned that it was turned into a business case by the University of Toronto's Rotman. The first of David Carroll's United videos can be viewed here.

Our HEC Montreal Facebook group has been quite active today, due to an April Fool's Day prank that was played by two of our classmates. Let's just say it involved our grades for the only P4 class that we have not yet received feedback from. In retrospect, this prank was better than the one where I was told that I incorrectly filled out my Birthright Israel forms and was thus being cross-examined.

Having worked at a Canadian Immigration law firm for five years, I thought it was important to note that there is a proposed change to the Federal Skilled Worker Category, which could result in the return of 280,000 Canadian Permanent Residence applications. For anyone in Quebec, fear not! The Federal Skilled Worker Category and the Quebec Skilled Worker Category are two separate immigration streams. More information about the Federal Skilled Worker Category changes can be found here.

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