Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Cup of Tea

There has been a lot of exciting startup news for Canadians recently. Mashable released an article entitled "5 Reasons to Found a Startup in Canada," which lists talent, investor interest, immigration, a launchpad to the world, and government support as the core reasons for entrepreneurs to consider the world's second largest country. Furthermore, the Canadian Youth Business Foundation has expanded its applicant eligibility to individuals aged 18 to 39, from the previous 18 to 34 (see the article here). Additionally, Canada's Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has finally released the details for an innovative startup visa that should attract high-tech entrepreneurs. The Globe and Mail article can be found at this link.

Due to my own interests in the startup community and social media, I attended last night's MEEX 8. Guest speaker Youri Hollier provided insight and feedback based on his current role as Social Media Manager for DAVIDsTEA. I appreciated Youri's candor and new ideas.

As my fellow HEC Montreal MBA graduates and I embark on our job hunts, I thought I would share the following article from Fox Business:  "Graduated, but Still on the Job Hunt? How to Stay Fresh." Although my classmates and I have only just completed our studies, it never hurts to review expert advice about positivity during the job search.

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